

Alcohol is a way of healing. The amount a drink heals depends on how strong that drink was. (For example, a strength 30 alcohol would heal way more then a strength 20 alcohol would.) However, stronger alcohols would give increased amounts of drunkenness.  This is typically how much you can drink and is normally based on your constitution/level/and slightly on strength(see stats). While drunk, you also regain health and mana faster based on how drunk you are.  Consequently, drunkenness will reduce accuracy in combat and is rumored to decrease evasion as well. The strength of the alcohol determines the amount of mana/health recovered, but to drink the stronger stuff you would need a higher level of strength and constitution.

Alcohol is made and sold by player run Guilds called Pubs, who buy food units from Corpse Processors in order to brew their best drinks.

Category:New to Moral Decay
