


At the end of the second year of the Sixth Age, a young white dragon came out of the mountains to the north of Anshelm.  The dragon flew as far south as the Island City, collecting treasure and attacking cities.  Many brave adventurers fought Gelid, the juvenile white dragon, but before he was defeated, he managed to destroy the majority of Anshelm.

Rather than rebuild what was left of the city, King Henrimagne had the remainder of the city destroyed.  He re-oriented the city and had it rebuilt from the ground up.  This time the city was built to withstand the ogre raiders that had previously assaulted the city - as well as any dragons which might come.

The city is built in three sections.  The Lower Bailey is reserved for peasants and shops.  The Upper Bailey is where the mighty Anshelmish military lives and trains.  Between these two buffers is the Middle Bailey.  In this protected area is the Temple, the High Tower of Sorcery, and the massive Keep.

Throughout Anshelm there are narrow streets that can be easily defended, several gates which can be closed, lots of food storage, and two wells. The massive curtain wall is the strongest anywhere in the Realms.

This is Anshelm - as clean and polished as a glacier, and as cold and hard as the mountains it resides in.

