Gogo Dodo


Gogo Dodo

Race: Half Elf
Class: Cleric
Started: Spring 93 (i think)
Guild:  The Rabbit’s Hole

In 96 won a quest writing contest and was made a wizard (despite not being an aristo).  He had problems adapting to the new power and responsiblities.  During the transition to the new server he was left behind on the old version and went mad, as one would with infinite power and boredom.  Returned to playerdom out of disgust for his treatment by the higher ups.

Rewizzed a year or so later, and was working on a newbie area for new anshelm.  I forget why i gave it up, i think real life stepped in.

Returned in the early 2000s and played his first necro character, Godzilla.  Retired again around 2003 and returned in fall of 2007 after many years of playing MMOs.