

In MD there are certain ailments that could affect you that last over a duration of time (usually referred to as damage over time, or DoT) and slowly causes damage, such as bleeding, frost or cold, fire,and poison.

(see also Damage Types)

Poison, when inflicted on someone or something will do damage over time to that creature, with most damage affecting the limb that was poisoned and lesser damage affecting the rest of the body.

Thieves are able to use poison in a variety of ways. Such as applying it onto their weapons so that they have a chance to poison their opponents, tainting drinks with it, and finally throwing vials of poison at opponents.

Ways of getting rid of poison:
There are certain objects or rooms that remove poison, such as the monk baptistry located in eastern Exedoria. (however this might not work more then once a boot)

Another way would be to ask a cleric for a poison removal

You could also go to Nastasha in vesla, (from v-ent, c,run 15w,1s, cure)

Finally if none of those are avaliable to you (or you are unable to reach them, use as many healing items as possible to stay alive and hope that the duration of poison ends before anything bad happens.

