

Statistics are a very important part of your character’s power. Many class specific powers are dependent on how high your stats are. Additionally, each stat has a general effect on your character’s abilities.

>Strength: Strength determines how much weight your character can carry. Strength also allows you to do extra damage in combat. Furthermore, the maximum weight of weapons which you can use is determined by your strength.
(It has been said that higher str provides a slight boost to your ability to consume alcoholic beverages.)

>Dexterity: Dexterity increases your chance to hit in combat, as well as reducing the chance for opponents to hit you.
(it has been said that after reaching a certain amount of dex, you gain additional AC to every limb)

>Constitution: Constitution determines your health (both overall and in individual body parts). It is also a major factor in determining how much alcohol you can drink (and how much you can eat).

>Intelligence: Determines your mana points, helps in combat and is needed for various complex tasks.
(it has been said by players that intelligence helps in combat by giving you increased chances of hitting an opponents head/body instead of their other limbs)

>Wisdom: Is used for saving versus spells and other unnatural events. As well as increasing your prayer/spell power (very useful for a cleric, druid and lastly for a mage)

>Charisma: Your charisma affects the likelihood that an aggressive monster will attack you when you encounter it. The higher your charisma, the less likely you are to be attacked. Charisma also reduces the penalties due to
death, since your personality holds together better with a higher Charisma score.

also see, Stat and skill levels

Category:New to Moral Decay
