

The sweatshop was an armor guild created by Yuen and Digital. They wanted to create large armor for Necromancers, Thieves and Monks who had a hard time playing as most armor guilds didnt sell large ac 1-3 armours anymore. Resulting in those people having to scavenge for a while before they could play.

As a joke the guild description was made so it resembled child labor or a “sweatshop” (in reference to the name), with some comedic descriptions for each of the 4 children there (you can type “exa <name>” to view them).

As you enter the room you are assaulted by the smell of sweat, blood and a hint of urine.  The place is filled with children.  Children from all parts of the land.  Pablo from Candera.  Yuen from Vesla. Digital from Pylus. And for each
child there is a loom! From the base of each loom there is a chain shackled to the child.  Welcome to The Sweatshop! Our children stay cold and hungry so you don’t have to. Please type <list> to see what child exploitation has to offer.  If you’d like to see our dear little helpers type <exa kids>. Remember, the secret ingredient is tears.

Category:Armour Guilds
