

Redirected from: wimpy

Combat in MD is vastly different from other games in that all NPCs as well as players have limbs. This brings a unique and risky feel to the game. Also, strategies can be formulated based on this basic idea of limb based fights (e.g. injuring a target’s arms so he cannot fight back as efficiently, or decomposing a target’s body or head armor so he will suffer harder hits on those limbs).


These are the different aspects of combat:

Combat is usually measured by rounds, during which your dex, weapon skill and level will be used to calculate how often you will have a chance to swing at an enemy. A player is able to do 1 hit per round (on rare occasion 2) with a 2h weapon, or 2 hits per round (on rare occasion more to a cap of 4 hits) with two, 1h weapons (with some exceptions, see rounds).

While you may be able to reach 4 hits per round, your hits might still miss. This is calculated by your dex, weapon skill, level as well as your opponents, dex, armor class and level.

Chance of hitting vital limbs: (lol i cant think of a better name)
A high hit-rate, and hit-chance does not guarantee a quick kill. This is because, you might not be hitting vital limbs (such as head or body). This is influenced by level and also by intelligence.


Starting Combat
-Attacking a target with the kill command
-Defending a party member or friend, who you are protecting, from an enemy
-Attempting to force your way through an NPC’s guard
-Searching through/taking or the destruction of an NPC’s stuff/home.

Commands that involve combat are as follows:
(going from most important to least important)

-kill <target>

-wimpy <number>
(only numbers from 1-99)
-wimpy off

Wimpy is one of the most used and most important commands in the game, it allows for a player to run automatically from combat once his limbs reach a certain threshold.

e.g. wimpy 50 will make you run once any limb hits mildly injured.


This helps with preventing death in most cases (:P), but by no means should you ever fight something and believe that wimpy will protect you from dying no matter what (so try not to go afk during a tough fight, yes yes i know it refers to me too :P). There are many cases where it will not.

-stunned (wimpy only attempts once upon that instant you got hit, so if you are stunned wimpy will usually fail, you can remedy this by attempting nonstop to move)
-trapped in a room (see also teleport)
-poisoned or any other DoT effect
-enemy or opponent is able to follow (wimpy only moves you 1 room away, and higher level npcs will follow 1 room at a time!)
-the hit was so hard that it killed you instantly


There are times when wimpy can be a source of annoyance if not just plain trouble.

-e.g. a mildly injured leg causes you to wimpy from a near dead island orc into a room of 12 angry orcs.

-low leg armor, or low con causing multiple/nonstop wimpies which will break spell casting or even causing you to get lost!

This command stops MD from displaying missing or glancing hits, therefore removing clutter from combat (helps with chatting to people while fighting :P)

However, this does not mean glances or misses no longer occur. Even 20 or more peasants inflicting glancing hits will cause injuries!

It can be useful to turn this off when you want to gauge how often you are missing (hit -chance) or your hit-rate.

Available commands are:
-protect <name>
works for any living target, npc or player

-protect off <name>
stops protecting target

-protect off all
stops protecting everyone you were protecting

Allows a player to guard an exit, preventing players or npcs from moving past him (there is a chance for high level players to break through guards, also it is said that some classes or even items have the ability to allow players slip through or “nullify” guard).

Available commands:
-guard north/south/east/west/up/out/etc

Only used together with guard, this allows for a player to stop guarding that particular exit.

Also, only used together with guard, this allows for a player to let certain people through their blockade.

allow kenny

Also, only used together with guard, this command lets you change your mind if you had previously allowed someone you did not intend to.

disallow Abbot
(hehe jk Abbot we love you :P)

Category:New To Moral Decay
